Tiago Hackbarth

I'm a full stack web developer, software engineer and open source enthusiast based in Porto Alegre, Brazil.


  • Linux
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Bootstrap
  • Angular
  • React
  • SASS
  • WCAG
  • PHP
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Wordpress

Profissional Experience

  • SAGI - MDS

    Full-stack web developer, working at Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação (Secretary of Information Monitoring and Evaluation) of the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger) - MDS.

  • Pousada Pinha Pinhão

    Manager at Pousada Pinha Pinhão. Performing tasks in administration, reception, human resources, accounting, and general maintenance.

  • Assim Vivemos

    Development of the Assim Vivemos Website, for the Assim Vivemos (The Way We Live) – Brazil’s International Disability Film Festival, that united all previous sites for each edition of the festival under one single WordPress CMS. In this project we modified the Worpress platform to be accessible for people with disabilities.

  • CAU/RS

    Senior IT Development Analyst at the Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Rio Grande do Sul (CAU/RS). In this position, I was responsible for the IT infrastructure that enables CAU/RS to carry out its activities.


    Computer Analyst at the Centro de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul S.A. – PROCERGS, in the role of Front-End Developer, working with technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Angular 2, Bootstrap; using SCRUM, Azure DevOps, within an agile, continuous delivery development team.

Personal Projects

I keep some toys and programming exercises here.

Star trek - Character Sheets

Ficha de personagem criada com o programa.

A PHP project that reads the GURPS Character Sheet format from Richard A. Wilkes and translate it to a Star Trek styled character sheet.

Spelljammer - Ship Sheets

cartão de nave no estilo dos publicados para o cenário de Spelljamer

A CSS exercise to recreate the Spelljamer ship cards in the style of the AD&D Spelljamer boxes from TSR.

Tomato Timer

A tomato that has a contdown timer of 25 minutes.

An exercise in React JS to create a productivity timer to manage work time and breaks.